Saturday, December 04, 2010

First snow!

It's sweater time...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lots of activity this morning!

I cannot believe how many chipmunks there are out in the rock wall this year. This is the best window to see them scurrying by.

Monday, October 04, 2010

Here's a new one

This is an old picture they just found of the last cat, Noodles, who lived here for 19 years before I came. He was exploring a wood duck box that Mike just made. I think he was having fun. I don't think I would fit in that box. What a silly kitty.

Heated beds are fine

They plugged in my heated pad and bed yesterday. Thank gaud! They don't turn the main heat on around here until November or something like that. It's a household tradition.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Something for me?

This box contained monarch caterpillars and monarch eggs. I like watching the whole butterfly-rearing process, especially when one escapes from its flight cage. Very exciting!

Going on in my backyard

It is a lovely Sunday morning, and the backyard is abuzz with wildlife activity for me to watch from my widow shelf. I love Sundays!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ripley's burger

Yes, when we eat burgers, Ripley gets his own...minus the bun

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Patience is a virtue

I've been perched here for a while, the feeder is filled with fresh seed and still no fluttery takers. I've been told that patience is a virtue, but this is getting a tad ridiculous!

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Fluttering mousies

Last night was so exciting (even with the big noisy boomers going non outside). I heard something in the back bathroom. It was flying into the mirror under the nightlight. I jumped up onto the counter and couldn't help myself...I grabbed it in my gently into mouth; it was still.

I hopped down and realized it was not a mouse but a moth, but it was acting like a mouse: flipping around, and then being very still. I had to play with it, and play with it I did, nearly all night. Of course you know the outcome. I presented the moth to Louise this morning (it's what kitties do...share prey with their family) right next to her head, next to her pillow, and to my horror she picked it up and put it outside!

Friday, July 02, 2010

Noisey Nights

Dogs are not the only ones that are afraid of fireworks! Why do they have to start weeks in advance? There's no place to hide from the noise either.


OK, here I am "giving paw." I really, really do not like to have anyone touch my paws, but for a treat I'll do it, reluctantly (notice face turned to side).

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Rest in peace, Gizmo

I always called him Gizzard, and I think it bothered him a bit, and I wish he was still around for me to tell him I didn't mean anything by it. Gizmo was my cousin and I miss him.

Shown here is a photo of Gizmo playing with a cat tunnel at my Grandma Marie's house. He could barely fit his head inside. What a silly Gizmo!

Gizmo was diagnosed with a lymphoma, and crossed the rainbow bridge to doggie heaven last week. We will all miss him terribly, especially Laura, who was Gizmo's constant companion.

Monday, May 17, 2010

I have a dream...

....of someday sneaking out and scaling this tree!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


A few months ago a new toy showed up. It is a feathery thing that is suppose to look and sound like one of the birds I watch out my "watching window." It mimics the birds well, and is, well, irresistible!
In the second photo I am getting ready to grab it again. Oh whaaaat fun!

I like to run after it, and catch it. Gotta catch it, or what's the use!?

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

He needs a scratchy pad

We have a fox squirrel coming to the bird feeder that looks a little sick. His hair is real thin, and he scratches continually. We found out he has "the mange." We called Dr. Joe (my doctor), and he gave us some medicine to treat the squirrel. He said to put the medicine in peanut butter, which we did. The squirrel has not been back yet to get his treat...but we know he will.

Dr. Joe is such a nice person. He wouldn't let us pay for the medicine, so we left him a donation to help pay for all the nice things he does for people and animals. Dr. Joe's business in in Grand Blanc. It is called Briarwood Veterinary. If you'd like to have Dr. Joe take care of you, too, here's his web address:

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I spent most of my day lounging on my windowsill shelf, or on the floor in the living room. The sun was so perfect ... I didn't get anything else done.

For entertainment I had seven deer (one still has some baby spots on his/her hindquarters!), 31 wild turkeys, black and gray squirrels, fox squirrels, red squirrels and chipmunks all feeding at once in the yard.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I saw Dr. Joe yesterday

I went to see Dr. Joe for my annual checkup; he was quite pleased with my condition! He especially liked my coat, and how glossy I keep it. I gained two ounces but he does not feel I am overweight because I have nice definition on my back, and not too big a belly pouch. He even looked at my back end. Boy, was I glad I had attended to that before the visit.

Dr. Joe thought it was cool that I can chase "mousies" on our 80-foot runway in the basement, and that I make a thunderous sound. He asked if I had a cat tower to jump on. I bet that will be next!

I saw my cousin Beau again, but he didn't have much to say.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Shake (or gimme paw)

I will try to get a photo later.

Ripley has learned how to shake (raise his paw and let me shake it). Cats usually do not like anything touching their paws so this is really an act of patience on his part. He learned to shake while I was offering him treats, in this case Pounce.

Last night, at treat time, he sat under the drawer where we store the treats, looked up at the drawer handle and raised his paw as if to shake. It was the cutest "beg" I have ever seen!

Monday, February 15, 2010


It was very active outside last night. About two hours before night time nap time two big coyotes came into the back yard. The white snow, and clear sky made it bright enough for me to watch what they were doing. They were checking out the bird feeding areas, and eating some corn. I am glad I am an "inside kitty." They must have been hungry.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Head first

Yes, I am sleeping again, in my favorite position. It is a combo of the "meat loaf" and the "head first!"

Sunday, February 07, 2010

It's about time you got home

Sheesh...I've been waiting for you all day. Let's play!

Wool keeps me warm

I got this last year, and forgot about it until this evening. It's about 10-degrees outside, and no sun. It feels the same way indoors. With my sweater on I stay warm and toasty.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

My artistic side

I posed for some photos today, and this is one we had fun photo-shopping. I like to lay next to the PC while we alter my pictures; the PC is warm.

Let's party!

I cannot get this bag open, and it has been up in my food cupboard for over a month...something was said about waiting until the other bag of treats is gone before we open it.

The other item is my favorite can of juicy wet food. It says (because of my weight) I am allowed five cans a day, however if I'm lucky I get two, and the new dry food they got me says "for weight control." Hey what gives? Dr. Joe said I was not really overweight; you can still feel my ribs, kinda.

Well, I've just about had it. I can't wait any longer. Oh please let today be the day I get to party. They're gonna party. I saw them setting up to recording devices and talking about football games.

My new favorite toy

I found one of these under the table in the dining room. They scoot across the floor fast, and make a lot of noise: essential qualities for a "great" cat toy. It's a bottle top.

I really, really love Sundays

The dryer is so warm, and today is so bleak and dreary...this is my favorite spot.