Sunday, February 21, 2010

Shake (or gimme paw)

I will try to get a photo later.

Ripley has learned how to shake (raise his paw and let me shake it). Cats usually do not like anything touching their paws so this is really an act of patience on his part. He learned to shake while I was offering him treats, in this case Pounce.

Last night, at treat time, he sat under the drawer where we store the treats, looked up at the drawer handle and raised his paw as if to shake. It was the cutest "beg" I have ever seen!

Monday, February 15, 2010


It was very active outside last night. About two hours before night time nap time two big coyotes came into the back yard. The white snow, and clear sky made it bright enough for me to watch what they were doing. They were checking out the bird feeding areas, and eating some corn. I am glad I am an "inside kitty." They must have been hungry.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Head first

Yes, I am sleeping again, in my favorite position. It is a combo of the "meat loaf" and the "head first!"

Sunday, February 07, 2010

It's about time you got home

Sheesh...I've been waiting for you all day. Let's play!

Wool keeps me warm

I got this last year, and forgot about it until this evening. It's about 10-degrees outside, and no sun. It feels the same way indoors. With my sweater on I stay warm and toasty.