Thursday, April 22, 2010


A few months ago a new toy showed up. It is a feathery thing that is suppose to look and sound like one of the birds I watch out my "watching window." It mimics the birds well, and is, well, irresistible!
In the second photo I am getting ready to grab it again. Oh whaaaat fun!

I like to run after it, and catch it. Gotta catch it, or what's the use!?

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

He needs a scratchy pad

We have a fox squirrel coming to the bird feeder that looks a little sick. His hair is real thin, and he scratches continually. We found out he has "the mange." We called Dr. Joe (my doctor), and he gave us some medicine to treat the squirrel. He said to put the medicine in peanut butter, which we did. The squirrel has not been back yet to get his treat...but we know he will.

Dr. Joe is such a nice person. He wouldn't let us pay for the medicine, so we left him a donation to help pay for all the nice things he does for people and animals. Dr. Joe's business in in Grand Blanc. It is called Briarwood Veterinary. If you'd like to have Dr. Joe take care of you, too, here's his web address: