Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I'll flip ya for it

Mike got out of the chair, and Ripley quickly hopped up. It was pre-warmed and so nice. When Mike came back to the chair, Ripley didn't want to give it up ... and suggested they flip for it.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Wait, don't move

Wait...don't make me move. This is so comfortable, I mean the position that I am in, and I need to think about it before I move so I can memorize where everything is so I can do it again.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

I love my Ripley

Ripley entered my life a couple years ago, and he has filled the void left by my last kitty, Noodles. It took a while, but the big guy has wormed his way into my heart.

I have never had an animal companion so sweet, and caring. He greets me every morning with a cold nose and gentle pat to my cheek before he tucks in close purring loudly. He'd keep me there for hours if I let him.

When I am on my computer he curls up on my lap with a blissful contented purr; he's there right now. How lucky we are to have found each other.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Turkey time!

I just watched as seed was offered to the turkeys. If only I could go out and meet them!

What a sleepy head

Here it is 1:37 pm and Ripley is still not up. Com'on little buddy ... I need to make the bead!