Sunday, March 22, 2009

Vet visit

I now have a "flag" on my medical history page at my vet that says "towel" when I am in for a visit.

Last Thursday did not go so well. When Dr. Amy started to give me my annual rabies shot, it hurt so much I lashed out at everyone. I did not mean to; I was just so startled that this soft-spoken person could hurt me like that. I was so embarrassed. Dr. Amy put a big, soft towel over my head, held me firmly, and then I knew what to expect.

I also met my cousin, Beau. He lives with Louise's Mom. We really did not have enough time to be properly introduced, but I overheard Louise and her Mom talking about having a play day, soon...just the four of us.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

My incredible nose

I'll agree...the texture on my nose looks like the
finish on a basketball. I do like to watch the Pistons.

I also learned that no two kitty noses are the same. Each one is unique, like a fingerprint.

My ample jowls

My vet, Dr. Joe, said the reason my jowls are so well developed is that I was neutered late in life, so I was a “tom” for a bit.

My watching window nest

Last year, a pair of northern cardinals built and used this nest to raise three babies.

I am hoping they come back this year so I can watch them again.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Come Ripley

We have been learning how to come. I give Ripley few treats, so when he gets one, it is a big deal. Treats are his reward when he comes to me.

I want Ripley to learn that "come" to me, means a reward. So far, it is working. The reason I am teaching Ripley the come command is in the unfortunate event he sneaks out of doors. This happened once, and after running into the woods about 200 feet, he finally stopped long enough for me to snatch him.

We have coyote, and other predators large enough to attach cats. I firmly believe that cats should never be out of doors because of all the things that could hurt them. I am Ripley's caregiver, and would never forgive myself if something happened to him. So today, we practice, come, and Ripley smiles.
