Sunday, March 08, 2009

Come Ripley

We have been learning how to come. I give Ripley few treats, so when he gets one, it is a big deal. Treats are his reward when he comes to me.

I want Ripley to learn that "come" to me, means a reward. So far, it is working. The reason I am teaching Ripley the come command is in the unfortunate event he sneaks out of doors. This happened once, and after running into the woods about 200 feet, he finally stopped long enough for me to snatch him.

We have coyote, and other predators large enough to attach cats. I firmly believe that cats should never be out of doors because of all the things that could hurt them. I am Ripley's caregiver, and would never forgive myself if something happened to him. So today, we practice, come, and Ripley smiles.


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